Chionesu Bakari, A Swahili phrase meaning “Guiding Light of Noble Promise”, is engaged in the ministry of saving and developing young black males by reclaiming, renaming, renewing and reconditioning their minds.
Chionesu Bakari strives to motivate young black male children to think critically and prepare their minds and the minds of their respective parents/guardians for the men they will grow to become.
The goals of the Chionesu Bakari Program for Young Men:
In order to determine each young man’s academic, personal, and spiritual growth, we use information from school attendance records, reports cards, and teacher’s comments, along with feedback from family and community members, and in-person observations and interactions.
We proudly boast 100% H.S. graduation rate for the young men of Chionesu Bakari, 99% college enrollment, and to date, 54 of our Chionesu Bakari alumni have graduated from college.